If you’ve recently decided to take the plunge with WordPress, you know how large your sea of options can be. Heck, you’ve even had to learn the difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org (more on that in a future article). If you’ve started making your website, you’ll likely already know that you need a theme before you can do pretty much anything else. But the catch is, it’s hard to know what theme will provide everything your website needs before you’ve even started. Let’s get started about choosing the right WordPress theme for your company’s website!
To help your company feel a little bit more confident when choosing their WordPress theme, here are a few guidelines. Remember that though you can switch between themes without too many issues, in some cases certain functions will be lost. This makes your initial WordPress theme selection even more important.
WordPress Themes For All Modalities
Don’t even consider a theme that doesn’t work on desktops, tablets and most definitely smartphones. Your website users are seamlessly switching between their tech constantly these days, so make sure you move just as quickly with them. Imagine your ideal client finding you through a Google search at home, but they have to run out the door to catch a train. If they can’t find a user-friendly website on their phone, they’ll hit that back button faster than you can blink.
WordPress Plugins
The power of WordPress comes from their plugins. The theme is the backbone, the plugins allow you to customize to your specific needs. Do you have recipes you’ll be posting using your artisanal almond flour? There’s a plugin for that. Do you need help crafting your on-page SEO? There are about a dozen plugins for that. Heck, do you need a checklist to remember what each of your website’s pages should even contain? You guessed it — plugin.
Try to get an idea of what your theme will do for you and what you’ll need your plugins to do. Once you know that, you’ll need to make sure your theme will work with your plugins. Read reviews, read patch notes, and test drive it if you have the time. If all that sounds daunting, remember that you don’t have to do it alone. Wolony Digital Agency can help guide you through the website creation process.
Don’t Forget Basic Marketing Principles
Call to action buttons. Comments sections for testimonial-gathering and engagement. The rule of thirds. Font pairing for an elegant design. All of these basics still apply. Don’t get caught up trying to make the most complicated website. Make the cleanest and most appealing WordPress site you can with what you have.
Remember, there are thousands of theme options, but most of them won’t be the perfect fit for your business in one way or another. Don’t settle for less.